How should we teach english in kindergarten?

Teaching english in kindergarten seems to be difficult but it is quite easy, actually! The first thing we should do is to set the rules clearly and remember them every class. We just need to print on a paper some pictures that represent what we want them to do or not and take it with us every class.
In this example, we can see four pictures. The image that is up on the left represents that students are not allow to shout or talk while they are watching a video.  The one that is up on the right means students do not have to run in the classroom. The picture that is below on the left implies that students have to be quiet at the moment of watching a video and finally, the picture next to the last one means that students have to listen to their classmates and teacher.

If we want to teach them vocabulary we should look up for familiar vocabulary, for example; animals, fruit, colours. I really recommend you to select words with similar sounds to the ones of our mother tongue. Sometimes it is really difficult for them to get the right pronunciation, for example; we should choose "rabbit" instead of "wolf". If they do not pronounce it very well, we should ask them to say a similar word just in order to get the correct phoneme, for example; if they have problems pronouncing /r/ sound, we should ask them to say "ratón" and then "rabbit". We need a lot of chorus repetition and also individual repetition, it is very important!

Use big flash cards as a resource of teaching. They are really useful, here you have some examples: 

While we are teaching animals we can also teach them the colours and we do not need more material, we can just use the ones above and ask them "which colour is the mouse?", for example. Anyway, we can reinforce the colours through separate flash cards. Personally, I use these paint cans, I just start teaching five colours but as we ask them which colour each animal is, I teach them more colours.

Usually, the classes take till 20 to 40 minutes but we only take advantage of less time because of behaviour problems or organization. It does not mean that we can not play a game or do an activity, we just need creativity. Here I will show you some examples:

In these examples we observe that the heads of the animals are missing (cat, rabbit, sheep and dog). The aim of this activity is to draw the head, the eyes, the nose, the mouth and the ears. But we can not expect them to do it from one day to another. We should follow some steps, do it little by little. First, we have to teach them the animals (if we want to) and make emphasis on how the parts of the head are called . We should also play games in which we ask them to touch "x" part of the head so then, we realize if they recognize it or not, for example; "touch your eyes", "were is your nose?". Then, we can ask them to draw the animals focusing on the parts we are teaching them. Later, we should take a handout of an animal without its head, as it is shown above. We all together complete the missing parts. Finally, one day, we review what we have been doing and each student does their own paper. We shoud not forget to show them an example as a guide at the moment of working. Here, you can see some productions:
I really hope you like what I recommended you all! Tell me your experiences with kids, your resources, the activities you do and in which way you do them!! Remember that sharing our experiences is a way of learning and also teaching!!


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